Hello from Laracon AU
Flash back to Statamic’s first Flat Camp in North Carolina in May 2023, walking in the Blue Ridge Mountains alongside Jack, founder of Statamic, sharing my ideas around submitting an abstract for Laracon AU 2023, and collecting his thoughts on my approach - and, whether I should do it. On the other side of the world, Laracon AU 2023 seemed months (and half a world) away. And the answer was a big “yes”, and an abstract was prepared, and submitted.
Now, those months have passed, and it’s happening: my abstract was selected to present at Laracon AU 2023, and I’m now here in Sydney, ready to go!
I feel so privileged to be among some absolutely incredible speakers at this years conference, and still can’t quite believe this is all happening. I mean, I’m just me, lil ol’ quiet me. Which actually is funny in itself: I’m the introvert who watches from the sidelines, yet also the guy who gets up, teaches group exercise classes, and absolutely commands that room full of sweaty people.
But no active wear here: my MacBook is with me, talk all prepared, demo code reset, and ready to share what I love about working with Statamic to a theatre full of Laravel devs.
If you’re coming along, I’ll hit the stage at 11:45am on Friday 17th November.
Oh, and if you see some tall guy roaming around, please come and say hi too